During times of advers weather such as snow, the Calderdale Transport Service, liaise closely with all three special schools to make a joint decision on whether the schools will open or close.
Any decision takes into account;
- Weather conditions at the locations across the three schools
- The most up to date weather forecast from the MET Office
- Accessibility to the schools
- Accessibility to the wide ranging local areas from where our children live
- Potential compromises to the Health & Safety of our children and staff
Please note that any decision to close is never taken lightly and always made with the best intensions, however weather is very unpredictable and so coming to such a decision can at times be very challenging for the schools.
Procedure for closing the school
During periods of adverse weather, a decision may be taken to close the school before or during the school day. There are a number of ways in which you can keep up to date with the status of the school.
- Visit the Home Page of this Wood Bank School website
- Regularly check your mobile phone for any text messages or phone calls from the School Office
- Updates on our school Facebook page
To support us with this, please can all staff, parents, families and regular visitors ensure that the School Office have up to date emergency contact numbers.